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Organic Cannabis: Why It Matters

Hands harvesting Northstar Organics cannabis plant

Organic marijuana is favored for numerous reasons. It is believed that organic bud is more pristine to inhale, better suited for use in edibles, and more earth-friendly. In addition, organic cannabis is apt to grow more consistently when it is permitted to evolve naturally.

Synthetic ingredients are harmful to the earth and your plants

The use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides will deny soil of critical nutrients; as a result, plants and soil will demand more intensive infusions of expensive chemicals.

The more thoughtful and sustainable way to get unique buds is by embracing organic.

The dirt on organic soil

Organic soil is inherently imbued with healthful microorganisms and nutrients, meaning it won't demand additional infusions.

Organic soil grow techniques assure that there aren't potentially dangerous human-made compounds accumulating in the weed.

It's all about flavor

Organically grown cannabis has a better flavor profile. So it's no surprise that toxic pesticides and synthetic plant food paired with over-fertilized soil destroys the flavor profile of your buds. By choosing organic options, you let nature take its course. The result is a more flavorful final product.

Many growers think that cultivating organic weed makes the best bud taste and most complex bud smell of any grow process. But, all rumors aside, organic weed also offers a smoother toke.

Organic cannabis means consuming a safer product

Do you smoke, vape, dab, drink or eat cannabis products? No matter the method, cannabis is always safer to ingest when grown with organic processes. It's all about the avoidance of synthetic products that promise super growth and potency. Synthetic chemicals are harmful and unnecessary. Residues can't be removed, so when you consume non-organic cannabis, you allow unwanted chemicals into your body.

Going organic is better for the planet

Reliable cannabis dispensaries use organic methods to minimize air pollution, maintain healthy water reserves, and protect delicate ecosystems. In addition, offering organic cannabis ensures our patients and customers the confidence of better buds with fewer liabilities to health and our tender planet.

Stop in and talk to one of our budtenders about our organic processes!

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